Seek His Truth | Alita Reynolds & Terry Squires

Seek His Truth | Alita Reynolds & Terry Squires

Terry Squires, host of Today’s Nashville show and veteran author, shares her heart and passion to seek the truth and a relationship with Jesus. Terry's creativity throughout her life shines through because she is made in the image of her creative Creator.

No matter what God has given you, everybody has struggles and everybody has to overcome something in their life. Terry talks through a lot of her trials in life and what she had to overcome.  Through Jesus, her life was redeemed and restored.

Quotes to Remember: 

God shapes us and He builds our character through trials, they can either damage you or develop you, they can make you weak, or they can make you strong. - Terry Squires

What I love to do is encourage people to get back, seek Him, seek His face, know who God is. And he'll direct your path. - Terry Squires

I think about God offers us the hope that this world cannot offer. And I used to think I wanted what the world happened. I really did. There was so much enticement, there was so much fun, there was so many options in this world. And once I understood that true freedom in my life was when I truly seek Him and His path, and not veering from that path, entering that narrow gate. When I finally understood the freedom, in that my life came, became so vibrant, became so colorful, became so much more fun and free. - Alita Reynolds

I’m wildly cheering you on, 

🤍Alita 🤍


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