A Life Set Apart and Called to Love

In the realm of love, it's effortless to embrace those who exude affection. However, our calling extends beyond the loveable; we are beckoned to love even the not-so-loveable. This, my friends, is what truly sets us apart.

Consider this: if we, as followers of Christ, radiate negativity and exhibit traits opposite to love, why would anyone desire to join the body of Christ? The antithesis of love, encompassing meanness, unkindness, pride, anger, rudeness, harboring wrongs, lies, and accepting falsehoods, creates an unattractive and false image of Christianity. No wonder some shy away from identifying as Christians.

The second greatest commandment underscores the urgency of this message. Are we consistently representing Jesus in our daily lives? We often declare our love for others, yet unintentionally wound them. Let's love Jesus and others enough to undergo transformation, ensuring that our impact on those we love is nothing short of positive.

Amidst challenging or frustrating situations, let love be our response. Whether it's calling a truce, forgiving someone who wronged us, speaking the truth, or practicing patience, let love prevail.

Remember, hurting people hurt people. The way we treat others is a reflection of our own level of healing.

Reflect on what makes your loved ones feel cherished and incorporate more love into your interactions. Identify any unloving tendencies within yourself—be it a need for control or selfish desires.

The Convoluted Golden Rule, doing unto others as was done unto us, sometimes guides our actions. Challenge yourself to break this cycle and actively pursue a more loving approach.

Let's strive to be like overflowing fountains of fresh living water, so full that our abundance spills over for others to enjoy. To foster intimate relationships, we must be filled to the brim with oil, overflowing in the richness of love.

We can achieve this by embodying the principles outlined in Matthew 7:12. Take the initiative, go first, and meditate on these seven principles to infuse more love into your daily interactions. Whether with strangers, coworkers, or family members, be the one who initiates love, just as Jesus did.

Love patiently, be kind, resist envy and boasting, avoid rudeness, let go of grievances, and rejoice in the truth. Let the overflow of the Holy Spirit be so evident in our lives that others are compelled to ask, "What do you have? I want some of that too!"

Love is not just a sentiment; it's a deliberate choice to go first, to give first, to forgive first, and to empathize first. Let us be known for embodying the profound qualities of love in every facet of our lives.

Let's Pray

Heavenly Father,

In the name of Jesus, we come before you with open hearts and gratitude for the transformative power of your love. As we strive to live a life set apart and called by you, we seek your guidance and strength. Help us, Lord, to love beyond the easy, to extend grace to the not-so-loveable, and to be a shining example of your love in this world.

Forgive us, dear Lord, for any moments when our actions did not reflect your love. Grant us the wisdom to identify areas where we can grow, the humility to acknowledge our shortcomings, and the courage to embrace the transformation that your love brings.

As we endeavor to be overflowing fountains of fresh living water, fill us with the oil of your Spirit. May our lives be so abundantly filled with your love that it spills over to touch the lives of those around us. Let the overflow of your Holy Spirit be evident in our words, actions, and interactions.

Lord Jesus, teach us to go first in love, just as you did. Empower us to love patiently, be kind, resist envy and boasting, avoid rudeness, let go of grievances, and rejoice in the truth. May our lives be a testament to the simplicity and power of the Golden Rule.

In every circumstance, grant us the grace to choose love. May our love be a reflection of your perfect love for us. We ask for your strength to overcome any challenges and to consistently represent you in our daily lives.

We pray for the courage to be the people that others look at and say, "What do you have? I want some of that too!" May our love draw others closer to you, O Lord.

In Jesus' name, we pray.



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LIVE IN VICTORY... Across our various Women of Faith offerings you'll find tools to help you grow in spiritual strength, real relationships and life leadership, all in one place! Alita Reynolds, President and Foundational Voice invites you to share your experience of how God is transforming your life and we will coach and equip you to guide others toward victory too. Women of Faith is a global ministry, specializing in the use of all forms of media & technology, as a conduit to connect people to people and exponentially grow friends and community globally and to create disciples 24/7, 365 days per year.  This allows Women of Faith to reach more people and to have more impact in growing God’s Kingdom. Women of Faith is also committed to carrying the legacy of wisdom, story and authenticity, by providing various media, initiatives, resources, events, courses, studies, partnerships and programs. These are utilized to encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus.


ABOUT ALITA REYNOLDS: Alita Reynolds is the President of Women of Faith, host of the Women of Faith Show with Alita Reynolds, a Certified Master Christian Life Coach (CMCLC), and a sought-after speaker. She and her husband, GJ, are the Visionaries of Women of Faith, a global ministry equipping women to live victoriously with Jesus. In addition, she serves the International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI) by leading the Women’s Life Coaching model, where she trains and mentors women’s life coaches.  Alita believes in Life Leadership. Coining this term, Life Leadership, as leading yourself well and elevating all areas of life: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, financially, physically, and relationally so that everyone can influence those closest to them toward Jesus. Her heart is for Women of Faith’s 5+ million followers on various social platforms to join her in rising up as Life Leaders. She deeply desires to lead and strengthen their “March 2 a Billion” movement and radically impact the world for the kingdom.  Alita’s life purpose is as simple as her upbringing was on a Nebraska farm. She passionately inspires others to find Jesus by bringing out God's beautiful story in their lives. Alita creates opportunities to encourage everyone to find their God-given purpose, live a life of excellence, and lock arms together to Be the Light!  She simply loves to be with her husband, GJ, Logan and Hannah, Rees, and Lexi, her three adult children and daughter-in-love.  For more, see https://www.womenoffaith.com/alita-reynolds

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