After a long, hot summer back home in Texas, Women of Faith is on the road again! Back in Dallas, we’ve been counting down the days as we inched toward a 31-year-old record of “number of consecutive days over 100 degrees.” Can you imagine a more unappealing honor than breaking that record? We came up short last weekend after a mere 40 straight days of skin-melting, hair-frizzing, breath-stealing heat but we were back in the 100’s again in no time.
But we left the heat behind as the Over the Top Tour kicked off its fall run in the beautiful city of Omaha, Nebraska. The moment I stepped off the plane, I could feel the difference. It was about 80 degrees, sunny and beautiful. But it wasn’t just the temperature change that was wonderful. It was much more than that.
As Friday morning came, I entered a room filled with 5,000 women. As I looked around at the faces, I wondered about each of their stories. Who are they? Where did they come from? What did they sacrifice to be here and what did they leave behind? I prayed that God would give me His eyes for them. And in that moment, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of anticipation as I imagined what God had for every woman in every seat. In a group that size, there were women who were enjoying the time of their lives, and there were women who weren’t sure they could take another breath. But all together, we sang that morning, “You are God alone. From before time began, You were on the throne. Unchangeable. Unshakeable. Unstoppable. That’s what You are.”
Our Heavenly Father, the One who has been in place before time began, knows each of us intimately. He sees the hurts and the celebrations, the victories and the defeats, the best and the worst. He sees it all, and He loves us more than we can truly comprehend. That’s the message we shared this weekend in Omaha (and at the Imagine tour’s stop in Atlanta). And that’s a message that’s as unchangeable as He is. Wherever you are today, let it soak into your heart and soul. He is God alone, and His eyes and His heart are set on you. Even in Texas this heat won’t last forever. But the love of God never ever ends.