How to Set Good Boundaries

The best way to start the boundary-setting process is by reading God’s Word and praying. These are two vital, spiritual components for determining how to live a life that is both pleasing to God and fulfilling for you. You must lay a solid and steadfast foundation, and that foundation is the Word of God.
Another important step is consulting with several people who have firmly established, biblical boundaries. Glean some sound advice from them as to where you should start. Be sure to...
Step 1:
Pray for the Lord to reveal to you your need and how to move forward.
Step 2:
Pinpoint where your boundaries are weak.
Step 3:
Partner with someone who will hold you accountable.
Step 4:
Prepare to see changes in your relationships with others.
Step 5:
Permit yourself small rewards along the way. Boundary building is hard work!
Step 6:
Provide a support system of friends and family for strength in the potential “danger zones” that can trigger old responses.
Step 7:
Prioritize the people or areas that you want to set boundaries for—don’t try to tackle all of them at one time.
As you commit your plans and efforts to God and begin the process of working with your accountability partner, remember...
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.”
(Ecclesiastes 4:9)