I didn't know it was going to be this way…
Hey Friends!
I didn't know it was going to be this way...
It is soooo much better
My 365-Day Plan was to:
Read the Bible again,
+ Read all the notes in two different translations,
+ Read the devotional, I SEEK TRUTH. (beautifully written by my friend, Terry Squires)
Today, I finished My 365-Day Plan in 595 days
Here's what I learned:
STOP self imposing an unnecessary timeline when experiencing a deeper relationship with Jesus and instead, simply ENJOY the process!
There were times when I needed to:
Read the same book again,
Simply read the Psalms again instead of pressing forward with the plan, and
Allow the Living Word to soak in instead of pushing the agenda.
I’m in awe of what a 595-day transformation can to do to a girl.
Does anyone else relate?!?
Thank you, Jesus 🤍🤍🤍