
A group of us from Good News Church got together to go to the 2014 Women of Faith conference in Orlando, FL. It was a very mixed group—from as young as teenagers to women in their seventies; from first-timers going to a conference to veterans who had been to many. We weren't a very large group and so we were able to connect with ladies that we had never previously connected with even though we went to the same church every week. If that wasn't enough of a blessing in and of itself, what continued to happen really impacted me, a veteran of women's conferences and studies.
First was the seventy years-plus first-timer who sponsored a child before the end of the conference and is stillon fire with a burning for volunteering and inspiring others to volunteer that came from Matthew West's performance of "Do Something."
But the story doesn't end there: You see, here at Good News Church we have a Women's Prayer Group that meets every Friday, which I facilitate. I had already challenged the ladies with different outreach projects and wasn't sure if this was something they could get inspired to do.
Thankfully one of my sisters who was at the conference and attends the prayer group thought it was a good idea, too. So we came back and asked the ladies to think and pray about it. We had a field trip to a bookstore which partners with World Vision and had a sales person give us a presentation. The ladies got to ask any questions they may have had.
We went to lunch and talked about it more and that day, January second of this year, we (a group of 10 women) sponsored Jastini Willian Tepe through World Vision. Whatever we can do for Jastini will never compare to what he has done to inspire this group of women into action.
This is truly a story without an end because I look forward every day to seeing and hearing what else God is doing through these people's lives.