Encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus.


A world transformed by women living victoriously with Jesus.


To build God's kingdom.


With a global representation, Women of Faith chooses to touch ALL nations by using media and technology as a conduit in reaching and impacting one billion lives for His Kingdom.


Women of Faith provides digital media, shows, classes, resources and events to encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus.  Initiatives and programs allow women to be reached with the Word of God.


Women of Faith specializes in the use of all forms of media & technology as a conduit to connect people to people and exponentially grow friends and community globally and to create disciples 24/7, 365 days per year. and all across the globe.


Women of Faith is committed to carrying the legacy of wisdom and authenticity to the next generation of women. Our diverse group of trusted, authentic, and deep-rooted voices are quality communicators, who teach and express Biblically-based life lessons, through story and content creation.


  • In honoring God and living in faith.
  • In always bringing our best.  Excellence honors God and inspires people.
  • In leading the way with irrational generosity.  We truly believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.
  • In being all about the capital "C" Church.  The local church is the hope of the world and we know we are able to accomplish infinitely more together than apart.
  • In being faith-filled, BIG BIG thinking, bet the farm risk takers.  We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living.
  • In giving up things we love for things we love even more.  It's an honor to sacrifice for Jesus and His Church.
  • In laughing hard, loud, and often.  Nothing is more fun than serving God with people you love.
  • To reach people no one is reaching, we will have to do things few are currently doing.
  • In being spiritual contributors versus being spiritual consumers.  The body of the church does not exist for us.  We are the church and we exist for the world.
  • In honoring Jesus and His church with integrity.  When we live with integrity nothing else matters.  When we fail to live with integrity nothing else matters.
  • Together we are able to lock arms, with Jesus, all across the globe.
  • In being authentic and real, connected by what truly matters, with Jesus as the center.
  • In using of all forms of media & technology as a conduit to connect people to people and exponentially grow friends and community globally and to create disciples of Jesus.  
  • In loving relationships to permeate every aspect of life.
  • In empowering every woman to live a life of purpose, on purpose and for God's purpose.
  • In the power of story.  The empowering impact of each and every story.  The ability to share each story to those in need of hearing it.
  • In providing Biblically-based resources.
  • In a unified community of servants and stewarding their spiritual gifts.
  • In the transforming power of grace. 
  • In living a vibrant life for Him.  
  • To never go alone and to live life together.
  • In a community, to feel comfortable being themselves and to be and live authentically.
  • In hope.  To be inspired, to dream, to grow and to transform hope into reality.
  • In the healing power of humor and being joyful, fun-loving playful and live in Victory.
  • In the yearning for continuous personal growth, which one grows to be more and more like Jesus.
  • In building, modeling and elevating community.
  • With a mega-vision.  God's vision for Women of Faith to be a catalyst in reaching ONE BILLION people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.





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