Do you feel called to do something bigger and more impactful with your life, and you're not sure what it is?
What Women are Saying...

Michelle Primeaux
Alita, You have blessed my soul these past couple of days! You have a beautiful way of meeting people right where they are. Your story is inspiring and impactful! I thank God for using you. May God's glorious riches continue to flow in your life. Continue to do the will of God! You are a high-powered woman living a high-powered life in Christ. Love and blessings.

Nicki Lancaster
This group is absolutely something that will bring so much into your life! You will become part of a community growing to know and support each other in finding your purpose as God sees it. I have a growing sense of who I am as a daughter of the King, a safe and supportive place for learning, growing, and supporting each other. This is a great place to be reminded that true Faith brings wonderful people together. Alita and the team guide us in ways that can be applied and focused on within our lives and circumstances, using gentle and reflective methods.

Karen Hyden
The Mastermind program has partnered me with other women passionate about going deeper with the Lord and walking their lives out with purpose. We share, learn, and pray together. I have encountered God in very powerful ways in a short time of being aligned with this group and using the tools Alita has shared with us. I now face each day with intention. I shut down distractions, make sure I spend time in the Word and create goals and actions that move me toward Jesus and His plans. Sometimes we need encouragement and accountability to take us to the next level in our spiritual journeys. The Mastermind program has been that for me.
Years Ago, I Felt All Alone

And a whole new world was opened up for me!
And suddenly everything changed!
What Women are Saying...

Nina Chang
The Women of Faith Mastermind gives me a better God vision through my spiritual lens. I love everything about it, and every woman should be able to be blessed with the Mastermind. It's been mind-blowing! I would share this group with all my friends and tell them, "you need it!"

Kristianna Fisher
Alita’s expertise is invaluable! She is relatable, warm, and a champion of women. Every session with her is focused, engaging, enriching… and fun! She gives me very practical tools to enhance my coaching business. I found myself counting down the days until our next session! Every session is packed full of encouragement to help me grow in spiritual strength. Alita calls out my identity in Christ and my ability to lead women effectively in my sphere of influence.

Jennifer Colby
Working with Alita was a true gift! Alita used her gift of tenderly asking questions to make space for the Holy Spirit to minister and renew my life. Being coached by her was an opportunity to be encouraged and strengthened. Alita said something that has stayed with me since our coaching sessions, “Just start.” That statement continues to be a simple yet profound challenge in my life. Alita ushered me to Jesus through my time with her, and for that, I am very grateful!

- Clear next steps designed around your God calling
- Clear next steps designed around your God calling
- Become a strong and impactful leader
- Reaching your PROMISED LIFE faster than if you did it alone
- A life of deeper significance, influence, intention
- A God-given vision that feels possible
- Learn and do this with a community of like-minded women
It's Time To Go All-In On YOU...
What Women are Saying...

Tricia Groves
I highly recommend Alita as a Life Coach for Christian women who are seeking to be more goal-oriented and make an impact in others' lives. I’m so thankful to have her input and mentor me through my own struggles, empathizing with and sharing her experiences. She is a great listener and advisor, attentive to what I need!

Anne Odgers
Alita Reynolds, brings clarity, is very perceptive, and makes coaching look easy. This process has helped me dig deep into my spiritual identity, and she uses scripture like a power tool. She will personally get in your boat and row with you along your spiritual journey. If you are truly committed and invested, this will change your life!

Tara Holdren
Participating in the Women of Faith Mastermind experience is like standing with your toes over the edge of a precipice, looking out over an ocean of trust, faith, and communion with the Lord. And then you jump.