Featuring Dan Chrystal
You are WORTH the Life of Jesus on the Cross | Alita Reynolds & Dan Chrystal
Dan Chrystal and I’s conversation got REAL! He passionately shared on:
What it means to TRULY love your neighbor as yourself.
The power of loving God and loving people.
How it is worth fighting for our relationships.
How you are WORTH the life of Jesus on the cross.
His insecurities and how he has overcome them.
His most embarrassing moment! Do NOT Miss this one!
QUOTES from the Episode to Remember:
When God decides to bless you with something, He wants you to throw yourself at it. - Dan Chrystal
God talks in one ear, the enemy in the others. Which one will you listen to? - Alita
Fight for your relationships. It takes work. - Alita
I’m wildly cheering you on,
🤍Alita 🤍
#womenoffaith #insecurities #isolation #danchrystal #alitareynolds