Film Premieres Christmas Day on
Lifetime Channel
8/7PM CT
Why are people so obsessed with Christmas movies? It's not just the “Hallmarkies” devouring the large smorgasbord of Holiday movies being served! Lifetime, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon offer up their original content, including romance, comedies, and family-friendly Christmas classics.
Could it be we all crave that old-fashioned Norman Rockwell Christmas from our childhood or one we wish we had? Baking Christmas goodies with mom, sledding down snowy hills with our siblings, and Christmas Eve with family coming over to celebrate, and yes, we even sang songs around the piano! We were filled with the excitement of the latest doll or a racetrack.
With all the anticipation of Christmas morning, I wonder about the day when Jesus was born, when the Angel appeared to the shepherds delivering the GOOD NEWS, that yes, it was time! The gift that they'd been promised was finally here! A savior was given. It wasn't a perfect setting, and I'm sure it wasn't the way Mary or Joseph had planned his birth, but He was perfect. The shepherds came, and then like the angels had told them, they went and shared the good news! When I think about the greatest gift we could ever be given, a Savior for all of us. We should not only be running down the stairs to rip open our presents, we are to be sharing the good news of the perfect Christmas gift, Emmanuel!
So, while we try to capture that perfect Christmas feeling by watching Christmas movies or making hot chocolate and sitting by the fire with family, remember it's not important that it's picture-perfect. Things rarely turn out exactly how they do on TV!
Merry Christmas and we hope you enjoy watching, MY SWEET HOLIDAY film premiering Christmas Day on LIFETIME CHANNEL - 8/7pm CT. Set your REMINDER, set your DVR and snuggle up with the family! You won't want to miss this sweet film.