A Christmas Celebration!

Christmas is such a wonderful time, with so many fun activities. And if you don't want to get out and do those activities, you can even sit at home and watch shows about other people decorating their homes with lights or baking competitions making beautiful Christmas desserts. You can watch hours upon hours of movies about others falling in love while they drink hot chocolate and the snow falls. There are hundreds of Christmas movies produced every year; there is no question that we love the season. This year more people are putting their Christmas decorations up earlier than ever. I know I did! But it's not just a fun time to gather with family and friends, throw parties, put up lights, or watch movies. It's much more than that. It's a celebration of the coming of Jesus to Earth.
Over 2000 years ago, the town of Bethlehem was bursting with out-of-towners. There was a census going on, and they were distracted by the happenings and conditions of their lives. Today, it's hard to imagine they did not see the one they had been waiting on had come. But are we so distracted by our circumstances or the activities and the busyness that we forget the one we are celebrating this time of year?
It's Christmas Again isn't just a fun musical that you can enjoy with your family, but it's a story that goes beyond the holiday traditions we've created and includes Jesus' birth. Some might take the nativity story for granted because they've heard it many times. But think what it must have felt like to be there that night when the angel came to the unsuspecting shepherds to tell them the good news. And why did they listen? Was it because when an angel tells you something, you believe? Maybe. Or did God choose those shepherds to tell because he already knew they would do just as the angels told them?
In It's Christmas Again, the lead character, Jake Young, thinks he has better things to do than to be a shepherd in the church Christmas pageant when his girlfriend, Abbey, asks him to join her. But what he learns is that it was the shepherds that got to see Jesus. And through his experience that night, he is not only reminded of the meaning of Christmas, but it changes his response to others. How can we sincerely know who Jesus is and not be more generous to those around us? Not just with our money but with our time and compassion.
I hope you enjoy all the fun activities with your family and friends this Holiday Season and remember who and why you're celebrating this year. Then, like the shepherds in the field, share the good news with those around you. I know your to-do list doubles during the holidays. But I encourage you to keep Jesus at the top of your list, don't mark him off. Keep him there as a constant reminder that he's the priority this season and all year long. Oh, and make plans to see It's Christmas Again in theaters as part of your family Christmas celebration. You’ll be glad you did!
Sandra L. Martin
Maple Films | Executive Producer, Writer and Director | It's Christmas Again
IT’S CHRISTMAS AGAIN is a modern-day musical the whole family will love!