Be Quiet and Listen
Taking time to listen to God and to discern what He’s calling us to do is a discipline we all can embrace. Sometimes in our great need to be heard we forget that listening allows God to be heard. I believe I’ve learned more in the silence, listening to Him, than I’ve ever learned as I prayed and begged Him for answers. At times I wasn’t even asking the right questions, but when I quieted my mind and listened, really listened, I heard what I needed to hear.
Contemplative listening is a rich experience for those willing to make time to be still in God’s presence. Set aside ten minutes and just be quiet. Turn off the music, the phone, and the television. Be quiet and invite God to speak to you in your spirit. As you grow comfortable with the silence and learn to hear God’s voice, I think you’ll want to set aside longer periods of time in which you deliberately listen for His counsel.
When I actually get quiet and listen, I find that God usually has something to tell me about myself. Sometimes when I think I have things all figured out, He reminds me that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are far better than my best ideas.
Excerpted from A Grand New Day. © 2008 (Thomas Nelson) Used by permission.