Comparison kills what God tries to grow.
I love the quote Carrie Erikson shares in her book. Comparison is the thief of joy.
I also love this quote. Comparison kills what God tries to grow.
My encouragement to you is, let’s stay open to what God is showing us individually.
The importance of us sharing our lives with you is that we all want freedom in our lives.
We all need some kind of transformation to experience this true freedom.
We don’t need to place our life or our life experiences next to anyone else’s.
Carrie and I’s stories vary and every one of our journeys is powerful.
Most importantly, our journeys are filled with the purpose of God in our lives.
Whatever your story and journey are, God is there for you.
Remember, Comparison is the thief of joy.
Remember, Comparison kills what God tries to grow.
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