Experience Hope and Wonder the Easter with THE JOURNEY!

Combining world-class musical performances with intimate conversations across the awe-
inspiring Italian countryside, THE JOURNEY: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli is an
exploration of moments that define us, songs that inspire us, and relationships that connect us
to what matters most in life.
This powerful movie comes to theaters during Easter week, beginning on Palm Sunday, April 2
and running through Easter Sunday. THE JOURNEY highlights Andrea and his wife Veronica
riding along the pilgrimage route of Via Francigena in Italy.
Along the way, he is joined by musical artist friends for amazing musical performances across
majestic locations. How did this journey come to be? We asked the beloved tenor himself.
“It had been a dream of mine for a long time and starting in 2020, when we were all
forced to stay home because of the pandemic, it grew even more. At first it was going to
be a quick trip—I felt the need to experience the fundamental value of freedom again
for which many of the past have even given up their lives. I wanted to have an
experience in which I could feel nature again, its silence, its invitation to reflect. This is
how the idea of the journey along Via Francigena came to be, both in a symbolic and
concrete way.
“Then the project kept growing and growing. At first, we were going to take a few
pictures as a memory of our journey, then we involved our friends from Trinity
Broadcasting Network who wanted to feel this experience with us and did just that with
much love and thoughtfulness. A crew of almost fifty people joined us on this
adventure, but its intimate and strongly spiritual nature remained intact.”
In addition, THE JOURNEY also includes some great musicians coming alongside Andrea. We
asked him about his favorite collaborations.
“Every piece performed in the chosen locations brought us great emotions. All the
artists were fantastic and to be able to meet, talk, and sing with them was an incredible
inspiration. It was my honor to work with such outstanding colleagues, sharing this
challenge full of spirituality, humanity, and music.
“Tori Kelly, Michael W. Smith, Katherine Jenkins, Tauren Wells, Taya, Beatrice Venezi,
Ramin Bahrami, Clara Barber, 2CELLOS, the guitar quartet 40 Fingers, The Solevoci
Gospel Choir … I am so very grateful to all of them.
“Together with the Gospel Group, 2CELLOS, the guitarists, and the magic voice of Tory
Kelly, we recorded a stirring version of ‘Amazing Grace,’ a classic in the musical
tradition, a powerful hymn of gratitude that moved us and touched our hearts.”
Your heart is sure to be touched by THE JOURNEY, which is in theaters throughout Easter
week—beginning Palm Sunday, April 2 through Easter Sunday, April 9. Join on this sacred
pilgrimage of hope, beauty, and song with this special theatrical music event. Learn more at