Forgiveness is taking a person off "Your Hook" and putting them on "God's Hook". A conversation with June Hunt
Imagine… A world transformed by women living VICTORIOUSLY with Jesus.
Imagine… Living in victory, free from YOUR past.
Imagine… Living the life YOU have been created to live because YOU are FREE in Christ.
Imagine… Releasing the weight and pain off YOU.
June Hunt, founder of Hope for the Heart, and I chat about this very topic.
She says, “Forgiveness is to release.”
To forgive someone, you release them and you release the pain to God.
When you forgive, you take them off your emotional hook, and place them onto God’s hook.
God says, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay.”
When you, or someone you love, have unforgivenness in their heart, a life of TRUE FREEDOM AND VICTORY is not possible.
This is why we have an entire class available to guide you and equip you to release the weight and pain off you.
To watch the entire episode, go to
For more resources on FORGIVENESS, go to