Do you feel sometimes like you're the only one who can't figure out your true calling?
You see so many women boldly and authentically living out their true calling every day…
And making an amazing impact for the Kingdom!
The truth is… boldly living out your God-given calling every day is simple.
If you’re not living the life you feel God has called you to,
I’m sure you’ve asked yourself…
Are you struggling to hear from God?
Are you distracted with the wrong things?
I know God has called me to something bigger, and what is it?
If you’re reading this…
You’ve probably read all the best-selling books and studies on finding your calling already…
And you are probably actively serving in multiple areas in your life…
So what gives?
You don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing…
In other words, you are not clear on your identity and purpose in this life.
You see,
You could be doing all the “right” things in your family, church, and work,
And if you are not operating out of your true identity and purpose,
You’ll always feel like you’re not living the life God is actually calling you to.
Years ago,
In a pivotal life moment for me, someone asked:
“Without any self-limiting beliefs or anything getting in your way,
What would you like to do with your life?”
I had never even considered that…
Because I didn't have a lot of education,
I was a single mom, who got pregnant and married at a young age,
And I really only thought of being a mom…
Not really about what God had for me.
When I finally started answering that question,
I started being transformed!
I now know there was more to life than living day to day without purpose,
And I started understanding the lies that I believed and found my purpose, clarity, and destiny.
Because of this, I had so much more peace and joy in my day-to-day life.
I had found my PROMISED LIFE!
A place that is specifically designed for each person…
And you can find yours too!
It all starts by being clear on your identity and purpose.
And once you do, everything will change for you too.
I promise.
President, Women of Faith
P.S. In a little over 2 weeks, I’m running a Women of Faith event on,
How to Be Clear on Your God-given Purpose and Identity.
It’ll be free to attend.
And , there won’t be any pitch on this event.
It’s going to be an implementation-based event.
In this event,
I’ll help you learn how to practically live out your true identity as a Daughter of the King,
And I’ll help you find the PROMISED LAND God has designed specifically for you.
And, it won’t be a big group.
It’ll be a small group of women to keep it intimate and with a high-touch approach.
If you’re interested,
It’s taking place on Monday, November 14 and Tuesday, November 15 @ 2pm-5pm CST
…(If you’re in EST, that’s Mon, Nov 14 @ 3pm-6pm)
…(If you’re in the UK, that’s Mon, Nov 14 @ 8pm-11pm)
…(and if you’re in Australia, that’s Tues, Nov 15 @ 6am-9am)
So, if you want to join me,
Here’s how to register…
It’s super simple…
And pay close attention to this...
Since this is an ‘implementation-based event’,
We want everyone who attends to have results…
And in order to do this,
We just need a small, “verbal commitment” from you that you’ll attend and do the work.
(This isn’t some psychology thing to get you to buy from us in the future, it’s just a way to improve your experience and results)
So if you’re in,
Just book a quick 15-minute chat with one of our Women of Faith Community Specialists.
On the call,
They’ll get your small “verbal commitment”
And then they’ll give you the link to join.
Pretty simple right?
So, here’s the link to book the 15-minute “verbal confirmation” call
P.S. Since this is a small group, I’ll be closing registration soon.
P.P.S. If you have any questions about the event, we’ll answer them on our call.