GALATIANS: Celebrating Freedom
For anyone who loves a banquet of grace, Galatians is a feast. It affirms our liberty in Christ, encourages our dependence on Him and Him alone, and strengthens our commitment to stay clear of legalistic deception. We are free in Christ – free to love, free to serve, free to follow Him, free to be all He created us to be.
Our declaration of liberation is in this book. Even if we read it every day, it wouldn’t be enough of a reminder. And with all this glorious freedom, the book ends with this wonderful challenge: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10). What a way to celebrate freedom!
From Women of Faith Devotional Bible. Copyright © 2003 (Thomas Nelson, Inc.) Used by permission.
Women of Faith is a global ministry, specializing in the use of all forms of media & technology, as a conduit to connect people to people and exponentially grow friends and community globally and to create disciples 24/7, 365 days per year. This allows Women of Faith to reach more people and to have more impact in growing God’s Kingdom. Women of Faith is also committed to carrying the legacy of wisdom, story and authenticity, by providing various media, initiatives, resources, events, courses, studies, partnerships and programs. These are utilized in delivering spiritual strength, life leadership, real relationships and to encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus. Women of Faith's Foundational Voice is Alita Reynolds.