Invitation to Story Workshop
Hey there! I’m Alita Reynolds, Foundational Voice with Women of Faith.
Let’s talk today about our Be the Light Event, September 6-7, 2019 in Lincoln, Nebraska.
First of all, I would love for you to register!
Second of all, I want to talk about our Story Workshop, Friday from 9 am - 3 pm.
I am absolutely passionate about this Story Workshop because I know everyone has a powerful story. We want to help you compose your story in such a compelling way.
We know that sharing your story lets others know they are not alone. I am sure you have experienced it too. When somebody says... “This has happened to me too”! People relate more to your failures than your successes.
Why not learn how to share that in such a powerful way to bring them to Christ.
May the story about me... always point to Jesus.
There are three types of attendees for the Story Workshop.
The first type of attendee is if you simply want to share your story in a more effective way with others, in order to bring them to Christ. We encourage you to join us so that you can encourage others on their journey, this workshop is perfect for you. You will be ready and more confident to share your story.
The second type of attendee is if you dream of being a speaker, writer, author. This workshop is perfect for you. The Story Workshop will help you tell your story and reach your audience in a powerful, effective way.
The third type of attendee is if you dream of being a Published Author, this workshop is perfect for you. Women of Faith will select Story Workshop participant’s stories to be included in the book that we will release “Stories of Women of Faith Ambassadors” book, a collaboration of our stories. A unique opportunity for you to add “Published Author with Women of Faith” to your resume!
Our goal is to create a #1 best selling book with the book, “Stories of Women of Faith Ambassadors”. This is a collaborative book, 15-30 stories will be included. We will share and train you to collaboratively learn how to market and launch this book successfully - together.
Above and beyond this, our ultimate goal is the Each One. Reach One Crusade. This is a crusade here at Women of Faith. We want you to Each One... Reach One... someone who doesn’t know Christ yet. We want you to be equipped to share the love of Jesus.
We want to equip you with tools and your story is a powerful tool. The book Women of Faith will launch is a great tool also. We want to better arm you and all of our Women of Faith Ambassadors. We want to better arm you to reach just one more. Yes, just start with one.
Our purpose here at Women of Faith is to build God's kingdom.
Have questions? Please check out our site for the Be the Light Event
We would love to have you join us. Please prayerfully consider if this is a workshop God would have you attend.