Joy and Gladness

Joy and Gladness, a Feast and a Holiday: Family Gatherings

Festive occasions are a time for us to bind New Testament love with the generous hospitality established in the Old Testament. The sons of Job took turns entertaining their entire family, which, in addition to the seven brothers, included three sisters [1:4-5]. Nehemiah proclaimed that, “At my table were one hundred and fifty” [5:17]. And remember Gaius Titius Justus, who hosted not only Paul but the whole church as well [Romans 16:23]!

Those who possess the spirit of God through faith are granted “spiritual fruit,” the first being love, the second joy. This is particularly evident on those days throughout the Christian year that are characterized by great feasting. Maintaining our joy in the midst of extensive preparations can be a challenge for anyone.

Great family gatherings are truly “investments,” which is actually a military term meaning “full siege.” No one knew this better than a nineteenth-century Englishwoman by the name of Isabella Beeton. The wife of a publisher, she wrote a widely circulated book on household management. In it she stated, “As with the commander of an army . . . so it is with the mistress of a house.”

The return on the expenditures of time, energy, and resources is put away in the memory bank of all those present. The gift of saying “remember when” is dependent upon what is done “now.” It may also be helpful to you to reflect upon the words of Leo Tolstoy’s character in Resurrection, Prince Nekhlyudov, who said, “Let everyone be himself and we’ll all be as one.” Is this not the sentiment of Proverbs 17:1, “Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife”?

This was certainly the sentiment of Paul, as he consistently taught sensitivity to the habits of others. And on a much lighter side, think of all the marvelous leftovers! Calvin Trillin once said, “The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.”

A concluding thought comes from the first-century A.D. Roman philosopher, Epicetus: “Bear in mind that you should conduct yourself in life as at a feast.” What could that mean for us? On days of special blessing, we are especially commanded: “When you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them . . . you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”[Deuteronomy 8:12, 18]

The crown of the home is godliness

The beauty of the home is order

The glory of the home is hospitality

The blessing of the home is contentment

[Henry Van Dyke, 1852–1933]

From Come to the Table. Copyright ©2008 Benita Long. (Thomas Nelson). Used by permission. All rights reserved.



Women of Faith is a global ministry, providing digital media, resources and events to encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus.  Initiatives and programs allow women to be reached with the Word of God. Various media and events are utilized in delivering the message.  Women of Faith's Foundational Voice is Alita Reynolds.




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LIVE IN VICTORY... Across our various Women of Faith offerings you'll find tools to help you grow in spiritual strength, real relationships and life leadership, all in one place! Alita Reynolds, President and Foundational Voice invites you to share your experience of how God is transforming your life and we will coach and equip you to guide others toward victory too. Women of Faith is a global ministry, specializing in the use of all forms of media & technology, as a conduit to connect people to people and exponentially grow friends and community globally and to create disciples 24/7, 365 days per year.  This allows Women of Faith to reach more people and to have more impact in growing God’s Kingdom. Women of Faith is also committed to carrying the legacy of wisdom, story and authenticity, by providing various media, initiatives, resources, events, courses, studies, partnerships and programs. These are utilized to encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus.


ABOUT ALITA REYNOLDS: Alita Reynolds is the President of Women of Faith, host of the Women of Faith Show with Alita Reynolds, a Certified Master Christian Life Coach (CMCLC), and a sought-after speaker. She and her husband, GJ, are the Visionaries of Women of Faith, a global ministry equipping women to live victoriously with Jesus. In addition, she serves the International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI) by leading the Women’s Life Coaching model, where she trains and mentors women’s life coaches.  Alita believes in Life Leadership. Coining this term, Life Leadership, as leading yourself well and elevating all areas of life: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, financially, physically, and relationally so that everyone can influence those closest to them toward Jesus. Her heart is for Women of Faith’s 5+ million followers on various social platforms to join her in rising up as Life Leaders. She deeply desires to lead and strengthen their “March 2 a Billion” movement and radically impact the world for the kingdom.  Alita’s life purpose is as simple as her upbringing was on a Nebraska farm. She passionately inspires others to find Jesus by bringing out God's beautiful story in their lives. Alita creates opportunities to encourage everyone to find their God-given purpose, live a life of excellence, and lock arms together to Be the Light!  She simply loves to be with her husband, GJ, Logan and Hannah, Rees, and Lexi, her three adult children and daughter-in-love.  For more, see

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