OBADIAH: Short And Powerful

OBADIAH: Short And Powerful
The somewhat obscure book, written by its somewhat obscure author, is the shortest book in the Old Testament. In only one chapter Obadiah admonishes us to not hold a grudge. Picking up on another passage of Scripture, “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them…” (Matt. 7:12). Obadiah warns us to be careful. In verse 15, he writes, “As you have done, it shall be done to you.”
As tempting as it is at times to get even when we’ve been hurt or mistreated, it never pays. Obadiah only had one chapter to do it in, but he makes that very clear.
From Women of Faith Devotional Bible. Copyright © 2003 (Thomas Nelson, Inc.) Used by permission.
Women of Faith is a global ministry, providing digital media, resources and events to encourage and equip women to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus.