Truth vs. Lies - Which Do You Proclaim? - Part 1
Let’s talk about the lies you believe and are proclaiming over your life.
I want you to think about what you find your identity in.
Your work, your marital status, your looks, or your children?
Have you fallen into the trap of looking for an identity other than simply being a child of God?
What do you tell yourself about who you are?
These statements could be positive or negative, rooted in truth or lies.
We all know the scripture:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! We are all a new creation in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17
We must claim our true identity to walk in victory.
We must identify the lies we believe about ourselves and find the path to truth.
Let’s look at the lies or beliefs we tell ourselves that are NOT reflective of the image of God.
Here are a few examples of lies you may believe:
“I feel worthless unless I’m accepted and loved by significant people in my life.”
“I’ll never feel valuable because this is just how I am. I can’t change.”
“My life has no value because I’ve done so many things wrong. My life is ruined.”
Go ahead. I challenge you. Make your list of the lies you believe about yourself.
Instead, we have to look at the truths.
We replace those lies with TRUTH.
“I have God-given value because I have been placed into a new family where I am unconditionally loved and accepted by God.”
“I have God-given value because God has changed me on the inside and has given me new characteristics.”
“I have God-given value because I have been given a new life in Jesus Christ.”
Start looking up scripture to support these truths.
Once we have found truths in God’s word that will renew our minds, we are to meditate on them. Review them, read them aloud, over and over and over.
These truths are what God has promised us, Daughters of the King.
Believe them, and hold them in your heart.
God is so good at renewing our minds.
Romans 12:2 says, Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Allow God to renew your mind by identifying as His daughter.
Repeat these statements over and over and over and allow Him to do the rest of the work.
Next week, we will continue talking about how to clear out the lies with a straightforward addition to your morning routine.
Claim Your Identity in Christ to Walk in Victory!