What triggers your anger?
The Anger Quiz
- What triggers your anger?
- How do you generally express your anger?
- What do you desire when you are angry? Do you get what you desire?
- Do you ever lose control of your anger?
- Is your anger harming your relationships?
- Has your anger ever caused any health problems?
- Do others point out your anger even if you don’t see it? If so, when, and what do they say?
- Does your anger ever become physical?
- When you get angry, how safe do you feel?
- When you get angry, how safe do others feel?
- Did anyone in your childhood home have an anger problem
- As a child, how did you feel when you were on the receiving end of someone’s anger?
- Do you think anger from your childhood could still be impacting you today?
- Do you have difficulty forgiving those toward whom you have anger?
- Do you have someone wise to talk with about your anger?
- Do you ever pray about your anger?
- What is your view of God in the midst of angering situations?
- How do you think you should respond to God when you feel angry?
- How do you think you should respond to others when you feel angry?
- What can you learn from a recent anger problem that will help you better handle your anger?
“Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”
(Proverbs 16:32)