Aligning with the Truth
Hey friend!
Join me as I discuss with Paula Faris how she came to a point where her career was all-consuming, and she felt as though God was saying, “Your professed values are clashing with your choices, personally and professionally.”
With our absolutely FREE Women of Faith Show with Alita Reynolds, you can now watch FULL episodes as we navigate living victoriously with Jesus.
What are some choices you currently make that may not entirely align with your professed values or beliefs?
In our Keys for Living resource on Identity, we talk about what we base our identity on, other than being a child of God.
Allow me to simply share a few here with you because sometimes it is difficult to understand what are some common false identities we may find ourselves in. My hope in sharing just a few examples is that you could self-evaluate and even ask trusted friends around you where you may be misplacing your identity sometimes.
A good first example is a Controller. This person seeks to control every situation and the people around them. They fear the fallout of what will happen if they aren’t in control. So, instead of trusting God, who is in control of all things, they become obsessive, anxious, and overstressed.
A Dependent is someone who looks to other people, positions, and possessions to identify who they are. Everything depends on what they have, what they do, or who they know. However, the things they depend on for their identity could be removed, lost, or taken away, resulting in a devastating blow to their identity.
A Performer is someone who seeks praise and affirmation by putting on a show or doing a task as perfectly as possible. Performers are often highly stressed and exceptionally busy as they are almost always “on.” They don’t know who they are unless immersed in a project, task, or role.
Do any of these sound familiar or resonate with your actions?
There are many more examples in our Keys for Living book on Identity.
Our hope is for you to find the answers you are looking for!
This exercise may be the revelation needed as you peel back the layers and find your true identity in Christ.