The Value of Vulnerability in Friendships

The Value of Vulnerability in Friendships
Vulnerability is...
- Courageously choosing to be completely honest in all circumstances (Proverbs 24:26)
- Courageously confessing when you are wrong (Numbers 5:6–7)
- Courageously receiving advice and guidance (Proverbs 1:5)
- Courageously accepting discipline and correction (Proverbs 12:1)
Vulnerability in a Friendship Means...
- Courageously sharing your painful past and present struggles (James 5:16)
- Courageously stating your self-doubts and secret desires (Philippians 1:8)
- Courageously speaking of your strong beliefs and spiritual values (1 Peter 3:15)
- Courageously seeking honest evaluation of your personal strengths and weaknesses (1 Corinthians 2:1, 3–4)
Vulnerability in Your Friendship with God Implies a Willingness to open up to Him by...
- Courageously confessing your toughest temptations (Psalm 38:18)
- Courageously communicating your troublesome thoughts (Psalm 25:17; 55:16–17)
- Courageously conveying your angry attitudes (Jonah 4:1, 9)
- Courageously confiding your locked-away longings (Psalm 38:9)
“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:13