The Way to Live
After we finished our Women of Faith Book Club on the book THE AWE OF GOD by John Bevere, someone said to me, “This book has such great thoughts to think about.” When she shared that with me, my heart sank.
You see, The Awe of God, and especially the Word of God (on which the book is based), aren't just filled with “great thoughts to think about.”
Have you ever read scripture and thought to yourself, that all sounds good, but do I really have to live my life this way?
Maybe you have simply skimmed over the words in scripture and thought, “Good, I got my Bible reading time in for the day.”
Or perhaps you thought, “Well, that was interesting”, or “That was boring”, or “I have no idea how this applies to me.”
Perhaps as you’re reading the Bible, you have no idea how you would actually apply the scripture to your life. Maybe you even believe there is really no way you could live a life according to the scriptures.
I’m sure you have had some or all of these thoughts. I have, too! Thoughts like these are all a normal and healthy part of our faith journey.
God’s Word isn’t just to inspire our thoughts. In fact, God provided it to show us how to live every day!
It’s tempting to read the Bible and think, “These are nice ideas, but I don’t actually have to do what it says because God’s grace is sufficient.” And while God’s grace is sufficient, we are called to more! We are called to walk out a life pleasing to the Lord!
God speaks to us through His words in scripture. Be open and listen.
Let’s dig into scripture, meditate on it day and night, and chew on it repeatedly like a cow chews its cud, digesting what it means for your life.
Here is my top suggestion to you. Before you start reading, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth, bring clarity to the Living Word, peel back the scales from your eyes to see a fresh revelation of Him, and soften your heart to hear what He has to say to you through scripture.
Next, find ways to apply the beautiful, life-transforming Word and live out your life according to its precepts.
Allow God to change you by renewing your mind.
Search for lies that you have believed from the enemy, take them captive, (2 Corinthians 10:5), and send them back to the hell they came from. May you then be set free by the truth of the Living Word.
It will not be easy, but whoever said following Jesus would be easy?
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Matthew 16:24 NKJV
P.S. I am always here to guide your journey with Jesus. At Women of Faith, we pray you continue to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus, day in and day out. If you aren’t sure how to live a life for Jesus or have a deep desire to deepen your faith, consider joining our Women of Faith Group Coaching community, where we grow closer to Jesus. Because of the coaching, mentorship, and sense of community it provides, our members are constantly sharing how their walk with Jesus has deepened in ways they never knew were available to them. Apply TODAY and JOIN us HERE!